As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. We have recemmended this gear because we personally use or have used each item during our camping adventures and have found them to be of both exceptional quality and extreme usefulness. It has taken us years to find the "best" items in the industry and ones that we would personally recommend. Our trial and error is your gain to avoid wasting time and money only to end up with these in your cart afterall.

Progressive Industries EMS
You've spent a King's ransom on your camper, be sure to protect your investment from all sorts of electrical problems at the pedestal. This surge protector with electrical management system is our number one recommendation for RVers. It has saved us at least twice!
Lippert Components TPMS
A quality investment to alert you when you begin to have tire problems allowing you much needed time to exit the road safely. This must-have component will help prevent possible catastrophic failures of your tires while on the road.
Lippert Tire Linc Alert Indicator
Used in conjunction with the Lippert TPMS, this device alerts both by light and sound when a problem is detected. No need to keep the app open on your phone, let this little guy be your eyes and ears.
BUY NOWLogicBlue Technology LevelMatePro
Take the guesswork out of leveling your RV! This little powerhouse will help you find the perfect spot on your site as you are positioning your RV. So easy, it makes any set-up a breeze and is a must-have for solo RVers! Oh, and it also saves marriages too!
BUY NOW1TAC Road Flare Emergency Lights
Roadside Safety!!!!! Need I say more? These lights are visible from over 5,000 yards away and may alert oncoming traffic to your roadside emergency.
BUY NOWSunnyglade Collapsible Traffic Cones
Roadside Safety!!!!! Another must-have item for those unexpected times when you need to implement extra safety measures. Make sure you are seen on the road with these easy-to-store cones.
BUY NOWLippert Components Smart Jack
I cannot say enough about this product. I went from tendonitis in my elbow from the constant raising and lowering of my manual jack to the creme de la creme of tongue jacks. This thing is awesome!
BUY NOWRV Water Pressure Regulator
Buy this so you don't destroy your RV plumbing when you hook up to the spigot offering 100 psi. And, while you are at it, buy a second because you will leave the first attached to the hose bib at least once.
BUY NOWAndersen Leveler Blocks w/Rubber Mats
The easiest solution for leveling your camper side-to-side. The rubber mats tackle the troublesome rocky terrain nicely. Simply place and roll forward to backward. Easy Peasy.
BUY NOWLeveler Rubber Grip Mats (set of 2)
For those of you who already own the Andersen Levelers, this is a must-have add-on. These beauties prevent shooting your leveler into the campground behind you when on rocky terrain.
*This item sells out regularly but is worth the wait for a restock.
Flexible Fitting 3-in-1 Sewer Adapter Hose Seal
For those times when the guy before you can't get his sewer connection off and just leaves it. Or, when someone has accidentally run over the sewer and your connections no longer work. This rubber guy is your answered prayer.
BUY NOWSnapPad Permanent Stabilizer Pads
Ahhhhh, to not have to store and then place the yellow blocks..... This pad is permanently affixed to your stabilizers and does everything the yellow blocks do. No storage required!
BUY NOWWater Hose Connection Splitter
Turn 1 connection into 2 with this hose splitter. Go ahead and buy 2 because you'll leave it behind at least once for the next guy, who will be super appreciative! If you attach a black tank flush hose you'll need to be sure to also attach a backflow preventer valve as well. See next item.
BUY NOWEZ Coupler Valve Cap with Handle
I almost consider this a must-have item. If you've had any type of hand surgery or arthritis, the handle on this cap makes dealing with your tanks a breeze. Buy the clear, because well, it's clear. You'll be warned of a problem before sharing it with your neighbors.
BUY NOWCamco RhinoFlex Clear Sewer Hose Elbow
Again, it's CLEAR. If you aren't paying attention to what comes out of your tanks, well you clearly (pun intended) aren't intrigued like the rest of the human race. Plus, you'll know when your black tank runs clear after flushing.
BUY NOWCamco Powergrip RV Extension Cord
Needing to replace your damaged cord or better yet, remembering that time when you needed one that was "just a little bit longer"? Look no further.
BUY NOW30F/15M Camco Dogbone Adapter
We've all needed an adapter at some point. Whether you are mooch docking off a 15amp outlet, needing to use a different power source at the pedestal because the other was bad, or maybe you just needed another foot of cable.....
BUY NOWCamco All Purpose Storage Bag
A great sized bag to hold all your extra gear. Who couldn't use a bit of extra storage designed specifically for RV extras. Plus, if it's for the RV, it needs to have that "label" on the bag. Who's with me??
BUY NOWCamco RV Equipment Storage Bags w/Tags
I love this set to hold my freshwater and black tank flush hoses separately. They are kept neat and tidy and with ID specific tags, there is no chance of storing my hoses in the wrong bag. Plus, they fit nicely in my storage bin!
BUY NOWUniversal RV Sewer Hose Wrench Multi Tool
Another hand tool for those who may be hand-strength challenged (myself included). Loosen sewer connections and caps easily with this universal tool.
BUY NOWCamco Black Tank Flush Hose
Keep your poop gear orange. This black tank flush hose is perfect for this very specific purpose. Remember, NO mixing of water hoses!
BUY NOWReceiver Ball Hitch Cover
SAVE YOUR SHINS (or your knees if you are short like me). This rubber cover keeps the grease on the ball where it belongs.
BUY NOWCamco Pump Converter Winterizing Kit
An easy install kit to permanently convert your water pump to allow for winterization with food grade antifreeze. This is a super easy and convenient modification so you can winterize yourself!
BUY NOWPropane Snifter
Easy to use gas leak detector. This gadget can bring peace of mind to anyone concerned they may have a propane leak. Used properly, it will alert to a potential leak and even help narrow down the location. I used this in my Airstream to locate, and then confirmed with bubbles, a propane leak. AMAZING!
BUY NOWDigital Tire Pressure Gauge w/Flashlight
I use this specific tire pressure gauge in my inspections. It's easy to use, easy to read, and works on dual tires as well. Everyone should have one in their toolbag, with an extra set of batteries.
BUY NOWLenox 9-in-1 Multitool
Buy several and give them as gifts. The universal screwdriver! I love this Lenox 9-in-1. It has nearly all the ends you'll need to work on your camper. My favorite is the little square head! I keep one screwdriver in every camper and one in my vehicle!
BUY NOWHitch Tightener
Peace and quiet from your hitch assembly system!!!! This is designed to eliminate hitch rattle and if you are like my husband, it's worth it's weight in GOLD!
BUY NOWTrimax Hitch Lock
Hitch theft is real. Protect your investment and make sure your hitch doesn't grow legs!
BUY NOWTrimax Coupler Lock
Trailer theft is real. Protect your investment and make sure your trailer doesn't grow legs! This combined with wheel chock locks adds another layer of protection. Criminals will pass you up for something a little easier.
BUY NOWZip Breakaway Cable Replacement
It is time to replace the factory installed breakaway cable with a coiled one. No more loosey-goosey cables dragging the ground or becoming a tripping hazard. High-and-tight wins this battle!
BUY NOW50F/30M Camco Dogbone Adapter
If you are a 50amp rig, you need this in your arsenal. Should you only have 30amps available, you can use this dogbone adapter to provide that power. Remember, many National Parks only offer 30amp service.
BUY NOW30F/50M Camco Dogbone Adapter
If you are a 30amp rig, you need this in your arsenal. Should you only have 50amps available, you can use this dogbone adapter to provide that power. Sometimes, the 30amp outlet on the pedestal may not work. This adapter will save you from having to change sites.
BUY NOWHeavy Duty Wheel Chocks
A little more robust than the yellow ones. I like these wheel chocks for staying in place with no slippage as you release the ball from the coupler. They have more durability and stability on gravel and uneven surfaces. A nice upgrade from the usual.
BUY NOWCamco Heavy Duty Leveling Blocks
Affectionately known as the yellow Legos, these guys are a staple for those times you need more than a 4" lift. They are also great as a base for your stabilizers and provide some height for your jack as well.
BUY NOWTrailer Aid Tandem Tire Changing Ramp
This is a great product for tandem tire trailers. This ramp provides a 5 1/2" lift to allow you the space needed to change a tire. It's another great Camco product to help make life a bit easier.
BUY NOWLexivon 1/2-Inch Drive Click Torque Wrench
Yes, it's true, your lug nuts need to be torqued! Your owner's manual has recommendations for frequency and ft-lb. This is a non-negotiable purchase! Buy it!
BUY NOWViair Portable Air Compressor
Give yourself the gift of time. Air pressure issues can happen at any time and in any place. Traveling with a portable air compressor not only aids in blowing up your giant swan inflatable, but also may provide you the gift of time to reach the nearest tire shop.
BUY NOWRock Climbing Carabiner Clips
Rated for 5620lbs each, these are small but mighty. They come in many colors but I like this 3pack of black. It's always nice to have an extra.
BUY NOWZero-G Hose
Quite possibly the best kink-free drinking water safe hose out there. It coils nicely with no memory and is super compact. I store both a 50' and a 25' in my Camco gear bag with waterhose label.
BUY NOWAqua Crest In-Line RV Water Filter
Filter out those unwanted impurities. This is just one more level of protection when you aren't quite sure who may have hooked what to your hose bib.
BUY NOWCURT Trailer Coupler Pin
If you don't use a coupler lock, this is a great alternative. Quick and easy to install after hitching up and it provides another level of security to keep your coupler from popping off the ball.
BUY NOWMopeka Propane Tank Monitor
The million dollar question: "When will I run out of propane?" The answer: "At the worst possible time."
BUY NOWMicrostream Rechargeable Flashlight
My absolute favorite pocket flashlight. This is a staple in my toolbag and the perfect light for checking fuses.
BUY NOWCamp Champ RV Odor Abate
Perfect for controlling odor in both the black and gray tanks. I've gone through multiple brands and this is my favorite for keeping my tanks well-maintained.
BUY NOWCamp Champ RV Super Digest
I just found this in tablet form as I've always used the liquid. It's a fantatic product that helps break down solids in the black tank. It came highly recommended by the dealer where we bought our Airstream. I have been a fan ever since.
BUY NOWAcrylic Safety Mirror
The perfect mirror to attach inside a cabinet door or on extra wall space. It holds firmly and securely with adhesive tape and can be combined with additional panels to create a full-length size. No worries with this one breaking and causing 7 years of bad luck!
BUY NOWBatteryMINDer 12Volt-1.5amp Battery Charger
Just the thing to keep those batteries in tip-top charge state while your camper is in storage. Remember, batteries like to remain active and should never be discharged below 50% or about 12V unless they are Lithium.
BUY NOWSmoke Detector Tester
The industry recommended way to test your Smoke Detector. Best practice is to test twice a year when you change the batteries.
BUY NOWCO Detector Tester
The industry recommended way to test your Carbon Dioxide detector. Best practice is to test twice a year when you change the batteries.
BUY NOWRyobi Cordless Power Inflator for Tires
A must-have item for those unexpected times you need to put a little extra psi in your tires! Also works great for the giant swan inflatables needed for Sister events!
BUY NOWFab Habitat Outdoor Mats
I have owned Fab Habitat Outdoor mats for years and they STILL look like new. They are easy to roll up and easy to clean once home from your camping trip. They are made from recycled plastic and are fade resistant. These rugs are fun, colorful, and excellent quality! They come in a variety of sizes as well.
BUY NOWFab Habitat Outdoor Mats
Another version of the Fab Habitat Outdoor Mat. I own this particular one in two sizes since I have a rear entry door. I also own the Cancun - Candy color which I LOVE! You really can't go wrong with these!
BUY NOWMeal In A Mug Cookbook
Okay, so I originally found these at Target for $5 a few years ago and had the best intentions to send them to my college-aged kiddos. Then, I realized what a gem they were and now I have one in each camper.....Do yourself a favor and have this cute little cookbook on hand for a super fast and delicious meal for travel days!